Kids Films

August 4, 2008

I would love to give another book review, but life has been way too manic for me to have gone near a book lately.

What I can say though is that I have watched 2 children’s films in the last week. I love watching children’s films, but recently they just have not been up to much. I don’t remember a really good kid’s film since the Incredibles. But we seem to have turned the corner as both films were really good.

After mixed reviews I thought Wall-E was great, a little slow at times but really cute. It is hard to describe other than it was a bit like the childrens equivalent of Cast-Away with the initial dialog … i.e. There was none, but somehow they made it work (Beautifully animated).
However watching it with Lisa was tough as she cries her eyes out at the first hint of sadness in a film.

And then there was Kung-Fu Panda. If you have watched KungFu Movies in the past, this is a fantastically produced animated parody. Jack Black is … well … Jack Black. This film is really funny and it works on many levels. Bart liked it, because KungFu is cool. Lisa Liked it because it had some seriously slap-stick moments. My biggest problem with it is that they did not display the old fashioned “Do not try this at home” type disclaimer before hand, because the current game of choice for the garden is obviously “Test KungFu on each other”.

Still it really is quite nice when they play together, even if it does result in the odd bout of tears.

Oh and not to mention my favourite line, which I have been using at every available opportunity …
“There is no charge for awesomeness … or atractiveness”

My name is Mr Geek and I am an amazon addict

March 16, 2008

Those of you that know me may know I have a slight fetish for amazon. Books were my gateway drug … but later I moved on to DVD’s music and I have even been known to use them for light electrical items and soft-core photography kit.

So imagine my delight when a friend talked me into another means of donating money to help swell their coffers.

DVD rental. To begin with I was sceptical. I stopped using blockbuster years ago, because I could never be bothered to go to the store and pick out a movie and when I did I could not make up my mind what to get. To top it off I would then get fined when I failed to take it back. All in all it is not what I consider to be a great arrangement.

However, it would appear that amazon DVD Rental is not like this. Basically you browse the site, and it seems to have as comprehensive a selection as the purchasing experience with which to build up a wish list. Then, subject to what level package you choose, they send one of the DVDs that you have chosen. When you have watched it, you simply put the DVD into the postage paid envelope and pop it in the post and wait for your next DVD to arrive.

The best bit is … There are NO LATE FEES.

The only thing holding me up is the Negotiation process with Mrs Geek as to what level we should get. Personally I would like to get the all you can eat plan … but so far I have only managed to talk her into the 2 per month plan … wish me luck!

P.S. You notice that I have not even mentioned Handbrake … the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind 😉

P.P.S. They are currently offering a 2 week free trial

Our secret little shame

January 21, 2008

The last post brought-up a shameful secret hidden in Mrs Geek’s past. Not so long ago I unearthed a shameful yet unfortunately not illegal neglect shown in Mrs Geek’s upbringing that at first, I admit, I had great difficulty in accepting as being true.

Now, I understand that being a girl and all she was into Cindy and Care Bears and all that, and she was more likely to watch the abomination that was Shera whereas I got the brilliance that was He-Man.

But tell me, how does one go through life, 30 years, having never watched a Star Wars movie. Not one! To have watched Toy Story 2 where the evil emperor Zurg tells Buzz 2 “I am your father” and to watch others around you laughing … I tell you somebody should be held accountable. Thankfully as a caring husband I have put this right, but there is more …

Upon further investigation, alas it would seem our shameful story does not stop here. It would appear that the following mandatory viewing has also been callously missed

  • The entire James Bond Archive
  • The Indiana Jones Trilogy
  • Reservoir Dogs
  • Terminator and Terminator 2
  • Citizen Kane
  • All the Monty Python’s
  • Blade Runner
  • The worst thing is that the poor girl does not realise that there is anything to be ashamed of. Don’t worry, although this may he a heavy burden, when I married her I agreed to “For better or for worse” so I will not hold it against her. After all she is the victim in this whole affair.

    My only worry is that there are other items of mandatory viewing that I may have complacently overlooked. Feel free to point out anything that you believe should be mandatory watching list.

    You can’t have a new hope without the first hope …

    January 20, 2008

    Firstly if you have not watched the Star-Wars films (shame on you) the following contains spoilers.

    Today I was catching up with reading the blogs that I follow, and listed as her number one most disappointing film tendrils (who has a great blog … please read) Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace.

    I have had this conversation many times (more than is really sensible for a man of my age). The thing is people hold it up to some artificially high standard, that it could never have reached.

    To start with it is quite obviously a children’s film. The problem here is that the kids that loved the originals have turned into grown-ups and are expecting the new films to appeal to them on the same level as the originals.

    Secondly, people point to the wooden acting. Have you watched the originals recently? My argument is that the originals were great in spite of Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher.

    Third we have the whole Jar-Jar issue. Absolutely he was added purely as a comic character for kids to laugh at, but does anyone remember the original Yoda! He was so crazy and jittery it almost hurt to watch it again after seeing how well he could be done in the recent episodes.

    But most importantly for me is that without watching the rise and fall of Anakin you don’t have the emotional connection to really care when Vader dies in Episode 6!

    Christmas is over

    January 4, 2008

    Why do I seem to be the only one that gets sad when Christmas is over? Is it normal that all my friends seem to be relieved or do I just associate with a bunch of Grinch/Scrooges?

    I know this is early days on the blog, and i don’t want to give you the impression that I am one of those people that are ridiculously over positive about everything. The ones that step in dog muck and think it’s lucky, we all know someone like that. Trust me, in much of life i can be as cynical as anybody else, but I just think Christmas is Awesome.

    I can’t tell you how much I love it. From going to get a tree with my son to getting socks from my mum, I don’t think there is anything that I find problematic with Christmas. I have to admit that this Christmas was taken to another level this year in our house because we all to a trip to see Father Christmas in to Lapland. But to be honest I get like this every year

    Maybe it is because I am still a big kid, I’m sure my wife would agree with that, and she would probably add that it might not be such a bundle of laughs if I pulled my weight in the preparations. But the thing is she would be wrong! I happily go shopping for presents and supplies when it is Christmas related, she even had me doing jobs around the house that I had been putting off for months because of Christmas. I’ll even eat prawns (evil beasts) when they are dished out to me on Christmas day.

    Personally I put it down to them not having watched enough good Christmas Films to warm their soul. Here is my list of required Christmas Viewing

    It's A Wonderful Life It’s A Wonderful Life is probably one of the most heart warming films of all time. It illustrates the importance one man can make to the world around him.
    White Christmas White ChristmasThis one defies description. There is not much in the way of summary that could convey the magical christmas feeling that this film gives to me every time I watch it.
    Miracle On 34th Street Miracle On 34th Street (or for those of you that just have to have colour) Proof for all those of you out there that don believe in Santa.
    Elf Elf is a new addition to the Must watch list. I watched this for the first time this year and it is just wonderful.

    “The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear”