A Wonderful Teacher

As mentioned in my last post, Bart and Lisa finished school for the summer on Wednesday and thus ends Lisa’s first year of school! Where did that go! I don’t know if anyone else had the misfortune of watching the Adam Sandler film Click (Good concept, poorly executed, not recommended), but if feels like somebody is pressing fast forward and I really want them to stop!

I know that Lisa had a slight pang of hesitancy at moving on from the reception class, but her teacher had done such a good job at coaching them that moving on was the next natural step and that it was particularly exciting she really did not seem to find it very hard at all. I wish I found it quite so easy.

I was not quite so keen to let go of the past year. I loved taking my little girl in to class, slowly unpacking her stuff, big cuddles and goodbyes … but I’ll deal with it. The biggest pain for me was that she had been lucky enough to have best teacher in the world!

I know a number of people that read this blog (or at least that read it before my prolonged absence [tendrils and Mrs V] not to mention Mrs Geek) are teachers, but I hope they will forgive my bias. Even the great Mr Carr now has to settle for second place. Miss F (I think that remains anonymous enough) is to teachers what Mary Poppins is to Nannies … Practically perfect 🙂

I have tried and failed three times now to elaborate on how wonderful she has been. My trite offerings barley scratch the surface of how lucky Mrs Geek and I feel to have had someone we trusted so completely with our precious child’s transition from nursery to school life. A wonderful lady that clearly loves what she does. Who’s love for the children in her care was returned in bucket loads. Who understood the finer points of every child that she taught.

Having been through the same transition year with Bart, and a teacher that fought his character rather than attempted to engage him. Who tried to force him to comply rather than harnessing his enthusiasm. Thankfully he is thriving in his new school, and he has since re-found some of that enjoyment in learning that was so nearly lost, but I would give anything to have saved him that time, to have that time again so that he too could have had Miss F get the best out of him.

I just hope that she has no plans to move on before she gets to do her magic with Maggie!

8 Responses to A Wonderful Teacher

  1. RC says:

    Good teachers are worth all of the riches in the world, and I can only pray that my little guy shall have the same introduction to school. (He’s had some good teachers in his day care, but that isn’t “real” school, yet.)

    • Mr Geek says:

      We were fortunate enough to have wonderful a preschool with a number of great teachers and our kids thrived. There is a preschool attached to their new school, which is cheaper and significantly more convenient, but we definitely feel that it is more than worth the extra effort.

  2. mrsvierkant says:

    I loved my daughter’s first grade teacher so much, that I volunteered in her classroom for five years. As my daughter moved through the rest of the grades in our wonderful elementary, I stayed with Ms. M. Just because watching her teach was a pleasure, and her genuine love of her students and her profession was contagious. She retired this past spring, Beth has “graduated” from elementary school, and so my time of volunteering for her has come to a close. It’s like having a dear friend move away. I can’t imagine how many lives she touched as a teacher, but I know she touched my daughter’s and mine. She is the teacher I strive to be.

    • Mr Geek says:

      Wow, I am really jealous. That sounds fantastic. I volunteer as much as possible, but my day job keeps me from doing more 😦

      I quietly harbour a longing to retrain to be a primary school teacher, but alas financially this is not a plausible option any time in the near future 😦

  3. Nemma says:

    Hows the new teachers working out? Have missed the updates!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Nemma says:

    Hope the Geeks had a lovely Christmas and Hope the forthcoming year is better than ever!

  5. tendrils says:

    When are you coming back to the blogosphere?!?!?!? We miss you!!!!!!

  6. BookMama says:

    Just wanted to add that I miss reading about Mr. Geek and the Geek family. 🙂 Hope all is well!

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